Recently Nadrendra Modi made a comment apparently on Shashi Tharoor. To my surprise, Mr. Tharoor has responded to Modi.
Here is what Narendra Modi said:
“There was a Congress leader who was a minister. He was accused of amassing wealth from cricket. He had said in Parliament that he is not connected to the Rs. 50 crore in the lady’s name…And then girlfriend becomes wife, we learn some time later…the issues are still not settled and he is now made a minister.”
Note that Modi doesn’t take any names.
Here is what Shashi Tharoor wrote on Twitter:
“@narendramodi My wife is worth a lot more than your imaginary 50 crores. She is priceless. But you need2be able2love some1 2understand that”
See how he is contradicting himself in his statement. Something which is priceless can’t be called “a lot more than 50 crores.” 500 crores is a lot more than 50 crores. but 500 croroes is not priceless.
Tharoor is in fact commenting on Modi “personally”, making the childish accusation that Modi need to be in love with someone to understand that :) I can roll with laughter at this silly comment from Mr. Minister.
You can read about it here:
Sorry but Shashi Tharoor has learnt no lessons from his Holy Cow experience. First, Narendra Modi didn’t even “name” either him or his wife, but Mr. Tharoor is acknowledging Modi and his comment. Second, Modi said nothing but the fact – that money was gifted to Tharoor’s girlfriend; initially he denied having any link to the lady but after being fired by ‘Holy Cows’, he got married with the lady. Facts are facts; denial will only degrade your position. Also, if one takes gift by getting it deposited in his soon-to-marry girlfriend’s bank account, it doesn’t mean anyone pointing that out is attacking his “personal life”. It is your “public life” Mr. Minister! When will you start believing that you are a Minister (both when you were fired and now that you are repositioned without any reason). Despite having great admiration for Mr. Tharoor, I find his ways of handling controversies as totally childish. May be it is the “love” that is playing him. No extra points for being a lover in politics, Mr. Tharoor!